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๐Ÿ’ผ Business Context

๐Ÿข Organisations

What are organisations?

  • One or more group of people
  • Shared goal
  • Delegated roles
  • Collaborate

Types of organisationsโ€‹

  • Public
  • Private:
    • Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)
    • Large enterprise
    • Non-governmental organisation (NGOs)
  • Voluntary/charity:
    • Not for profit
  • Commercial
    • Based to earn profit
  • Government
    • Provide products and services to the public
  • Non-Profit
    • Charities who provide services based on donations and charitable income.

Tangible and Intangibleโ€‹

Tangible product - Software, Movie
Tangible service - Car wash, Cinema


Tangible is someting you can touch. Intangible is something you can not touch.