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๐Ÿ“… Planning

๐Ÿ“ Feasibility study

Executive Summaryโ€‹

Description of products and servicesโ€‹

The catering outlet is looking to have a new website made. This operation will include promoting the different food and drinks offered by the catering outlet and special offers, which will have to be maintained, as they change weekly. Security must be a high priority as we will nneed to make sure that the IT manager will allow us to host it on the college system.

  • Website
  • Promote different foods and drinks
  • Change special offers weekly
  • Ensure security

Technology considerationsโ€‹

To create the website, we will need a website hosting server, if the current college one cannot support this extra website on the same server, and we will need a domain for the outlet.

Product marketplaceโ€‹

The target market for these products are the college students. The catering outlet is going to the at the college, so it makes sense for it to be targeted at them.


Target market - Students from the college

Marketing strategyโ€‹

In order to become succesfull, the catering outlet must differentiate itself from competitors in order to appeal to customers in the college. To do this, we will utilise online web marketing tools to promote the outlet.

Marketing tools
  • Analytics
  • Advertisements
  • Email lists
  • SEO
  • Heatmaps


Website analytics helps your website in multiple different ways:

  1. It helps you get to know your customers, in this case, students. It allows you to see how they interact with your site, which leads to suggestions to how you can improve it and what they are looking for that you don't sell yet.
  2. You can see what product has the most interest (views), then focus that product and release different viarities of it.

All these methods will help weith website Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), helping your site show up first in a search engine.


Advertisements can help increase sales by telling potential and current customers about your new product launches, special offers and improvements. Apart from reminding current customers about your business, advertising can also help to create or develop a distinctive brand for your business.

Email listsโ€‹

An Email list is a special list of names and email addresses of people who gave you permission to send them updates via email about your business.
Creating an email list is important as it allows you to tand into a users inbox. There is no ranking system, like Google which determines where you sit under a search term. It is direct and personal.

Search Engine Optimisationโ€‹

SEO, Search Engine Optimisation is important as it determines where you show when a customer goes to seach for your business. You don't want to be at the bottom of a search list as usually, people pick the first one they see, so it's good to get there first.


A website heatmap tells you where your visitors are clicking on a wbesite. This can help with what they like on the website and it shows that data to you in a graphical format that is easy to understand and usually colour coded.

Organisation and Staffingโ€‹

With large projects, there is a neeed for additional staffing within the organisation.

Staffing Positions
  • Staffing Position 1: Website developer
    • Someone will need to develop the website and get it online. This will be the role of the website developer.
  • Staffing Position 2: Web designer
    • This will be the person who will create the design for the website, following instructions from the management of the outlet.
  • Staffing Position 3: Website tester
    • To ensure the security and ease of using the website, we will need a tester. This person will be the main web tester for the organisation
  • Staffing Position/s 4: Marketing/Team
    • In order to ensure that the website is reaching the target audience, the marketing team will help market and promote the products.


The catering outlet's website is expected to take three months to be created and deployed. Many of the foundations for this platform such as high speed internet and a high capacity web server may already be available. Here is how the three months will be set out:

Three months to complete the website

Month 1
Graphic designer, website developer and the outlet will work together in a team to create the design and front end of the website. (How it looks)
At the same time, the Marketing team will be brainstorming ideas on how to better advertise and market the site to the students.
Month 2
The website designer will get to work designing how the website looks on the outside, while the devleoper works on how things work on the website.
The marketing team will then start working on the ideas that they came up with in month one.
Month 3
The website tester will then carry out multiple methods of testing to ensure the level of security and functionality on the website. Any marketing scripts that need to be added will be added now by the website developer.
The website will then be showcased to the outlet management team.